Bed Bugs

Bed Bug—A Winter Vacationer

With Christmas quickly approaching, many people have plans to travel to see dear friends and family. Traveling to others' homes or hotels makes you more susceptible to introducing a bed bug into your own home when you return. As you travel for the season, it is...

Early Signs of Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs—Early Identification and Treatment Bed bugs are a true nuisance in the insect world. They are happy to hitch a ride home from your most recent vacation or arrive with visiting friends or family. Not only do they bite and feed off of the blood of their host,...

Traveling Bed Bugs

How to Avoid Bed Bugs When Traveling Travel is the most common cause of bed bugs. Hotels, even the very nicest and most expensive ones, can be infested. Unfortunately, it’s also possible to get them from an unaware friend or family member. The following steps help...

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