
Navigating Texas’ Pestscape– Understanding Common Intruders in Your Home

Welcome to the vast world of Texas pests, where invaders come in all shapes and sizes. Today, we delve into the world of general pests, those versatile nuisances that often find their way into homes across the Lone Star State. Learn about ants, stinging insects, and...

Mosquito Hawk

The Myths of the Mosquito Hawk The mosquito hawk is a large, flying insect commonly mistaken for a mosquito. Despite its name, the mosquito hawk is actually a crane fly. It's probably gotten a bad rap because it looks like a giant version of its distant cousin. There...

What plants repel mosquitoes?

What plants repel mosquitoes? As warmer weather approaches, so do bugs that can be quite a nuisance, especially mosquitoes. Dealing with these insects can make spending time outdoors very unpleasant. This is unfortunate because many people want to be outside when...

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