
Texas Ants – How To Get Rid Of Them

A close up silhouette of two ants walking on a tree limb.

Ah, and season. If you haven’t been bitten by a fire ant at least once this season, you must be living under a rock! Okay, okay… maybe not under a rock. After all, ants love to make their homes under and around rocks.

While it may feel like the entire ant population has set up shop in or around your property, did you know it is estimated that over 10 quadrillion individual ants are living around the globe at any given time?* Whoa! That’s a LOT of Formicidae (a.k.a ants). And, I do mean all around the globe! Formicidae inhabits every continent except for Antarctica. Pesky and determined little creatures, aren’t they?!?

Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly found ants in Texas.


fire ants on a branchLiving in Texas, we’re all familiar with fire ants and their bites. Whether you’re in your well-manicured yard, out on the golf course, hiking with friends, or on a picnic at the city park, any outdoor activity makes you susceptible to stumbling upon a fire ant mound. Ranging in size from 1/16” to 1/4”, these aggressive little guys deliver a painful sting when they bite you resulting in a white pustule on the skin. The fire ant population is growing at a rapid rate in Texas. Give 855Bugs a call for fire ant treatment that is effective and guaranteed!


Carpenter ant on a leafWhile carpenter formicidae are not quite as destructive as termites, they are still a pest that you most definitely do not want to make a home in your home! They are responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in damage annually. These pests tunnel into wood to make their nests often drawn to water-damaged or rotted wood. If undetected for long periods, these Formicidae can cause serious structural damage. If you suspect that you have Carpenter ants in or around your property, give 855Bugs a call immediately for a free inspection!


small lack ant in dirtThese ants look exactly as their name describes. They are small with shiny black bodies. These are often seen feeding dead insects. They prefer to build their nests outdoors, but they will quickly find their way indoors if they seek heat or moisture. If you see signs of little black Formicidae inside the home, this is most often due to poor food storage. 855Bugs provides free inspections to help you determine the cause, accessibility points into your home, and a clear course of action for getting rid of them.


Thief ant with wingsCommonly called “grease ants,” these are most commonly seen indoors in Texas. They are light tan to reddish and about 1.5mm to 2.2mm in length. While they don’t sting like a fire ant or cause structural damage like their carpenter counterparts, they are certainly pesky and difficult to get rid of on your own. These guys predominantly make their homes indoors and are attracted to greasy, protein-rich food. If you’re looking to get rid of “grease ants” once and for all, give 855Bugs a call.


While there are many more species of Formicidae native to Texas, these are some of the most commonly seen. With any ant species, there are a few things you can do as a property owner to make your property less desirable for ants to set up shop. Ants nest near water sources. It is imperative to get rid of any standing water or other areas prone to moisture. Keep gutters cleaned out. Indoors, keep food and food trash stored properly or disposed of properly.

However, if ants have already invaded your home or property, call 855Bugs for a free inspection and to get a treatment plan set in place. After 855Bugs treats your home or property, if you are still seeing signs of ants after 7-10 days, we will come back for a no-cost follow-up visit.

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