Understanding Tick-Borne Diseases in Texas: Lyme Disease and Beyond

close up image of a deer tick resting on human skin

When it comes to outdoor activities in Texas, it’s essential to be aware of potential health risks, including tick-borne diseases. Ticks are arachnids that can transmit various illnesses, with Lyme disease being one of the most well-known. This blog will explore ticks and the various diseases they transmit.

Do ticks in Texas carry Lyme disease?

Yes, ticks in Texas can carry Lyme disease. However, the risk of contracting Lyme disease from ticks varies across the state.

The black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis), also known as the deer tick, is primarily associated with Lyme disease. This species is more prevalent in the northeastern and north-central regions of the United States. Although people have reported cases of Lyme disease in Texas, the risk is generally lower compared to states in the Northeast.

Are ticks a problem in Texas?

Ticks are indeed a concern in Texas, and the state is home to several species that can transmit various diseases. Apart from Lyme disease, ticks can transmit illnesses such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, and tularemia. Additionally, the Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum) is particularly prevalent in Texas and can cause an allergic reaction to red meat in some individuals. It’s crucial to take preventive measures when spending time outdoors, especially in wooded or grassy areas.

What kind of ticks are in TX?

Texas hosts several tick species, each with unique characteristics and disease-transmitting capabilities. Some of the common tick species found in the state include:

  • The Lone Star Tick is a type of tick found in Texas. It has a white spot on the female’s back. It can spread diseases like ehrlichiosis and tularemia.
  • The Black-Legged Tick links to Lyme disease and prevails more in the northern states.
  • American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) – Widely distributed across Texas, this tick species can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
  • The Gulf Coast Tick inhabits Texas coastal areas and spreads diseases like Rickettsia Parkeri Rickettsiosis.

Is Lyme disease common in TX?

Lyme disease is less common in Texas compared to northeastern and north-central states in the US. People who travel to areas where Lyme disease is more prevalent are responsible for the majority of reported cases in Texas. However, residents and visitors should still exercise caution and take preventive measures against bites.

Protect your family from diseases spread by ticks.

Ticks in Texas can spread Lyme disease and other harmful illnesses. This is a concern for people who enjoy outdoor activities and those who live there. Understanding the types of ticks found in Texas and their associated health risks is crucial for taking appropriate precautions. To stay safe from tick-borne diseases in Texas, people should take precautions and stay updated on information about the outdoors.

If you see ticks around your property contact the experts at 855Bugs. We will devise a personalized plan to help keep you and your family safe from ticks.

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