What are fabric pests?

The clothes moth and hide beetle are two of the many fabric pests in Central Texas

Life can get hectic…, especially with fabric pests. We’ve all forgotten to do a load of laundry here or there. Honestly, what’s the harm in letting a pile of laundry sit on the floor for a couple of days? You might think it’s no big deal, but in actuality, this simply forgotten chore could result in a bug infestation. There are certain insects, and fabric pests, that are attracted to all sorts of fabrics. From your laundry to your drapes, these pests will take over. Not only do your fabrics provide a safe and warm home, but these pests feed off your textiles too. They’ll gnaw holes into your favorite blouse without a bit of remorse to satisfy their hunger. Below, we have outlined some of the most common fabric pests in Texas and ways you can avoid them entirely! 

Clothes Moths

Clothes moths are probably the most well-known fabric pests. These pesky bugs are exactly what you would think they would be. They are minuscule bugs that feed off of any fabric they can sink their teeth into. However, there’s more than meets the eye to these critters. 

Where do they live in my home?

These pests can be found in Texas and the entirety of the United States. So, there are no outrunning clothes moths. The most common species of clothes moth in Texas is the webbing clothes moth. These moths prefer to be secluded and isolated from the rest of your home. So, you likely will have a hard time finding their nest. You might even go months before realizing they have taken over! Within your home, you will likely find these pests in closets, attics, or basements. These spaces are dark enough while also being secluded from the public, so they’re the most appealing home for clothes moths.

You might be asking yourself how you got into this situation, and the answer is simple. In many instances, clothes moths are indirectly brought to your home. One might assume that these moths chose to infest your home, but in actuality, they were probably brought there. One of the easiest ways to bring clothes moths home is through second-hand clothing or furniture. Now, we all love a deal, and no one is telling you to stop bargain shopping! However, the next time you bring a used item home, you should probably wash and inspect it before it crosses the threshold of your safe haven. 

Are they dangerous to me?

In short, no…clothes moths are not dangerous to your physical being. These pests do not bite, sting, or contaminate your food. However, these moths can do their fair share of damage. You will not physically be harmed by their extended stay, but your personal property could be. Simply put, these critters’ existence damages your property. Specifically, their larvae stage is the most damaging to your items as they will likely nest in the folds of fabric for comfort. If you want to save your favorite sweater, you need to eradicate its population as soon as possible. 

Carpet Beetles 

Where do they live in my home?

Carpet beetles, though their name elicits their preferred habitat, can be found in a myriad of places within your home. These pests are likely to enter your home of their own volition. They often fly in through an open window or even travel in via a fresh bouquet of flowers. Once they’ve found their way in, they can become invisible to the human eye. Their preferred shelter within your home includes upholstered furniture, curtains, and the perimeter of the room, specifically where the carpet meets the trim. As we mentioned, these pests dwell in places almost invisible to the human eye, so how do you find them? The easiest way to find out if you have a problem is by looking at your wool-made items. Carpet beetles feed on wool, so if your wool sweater is thinned or holey…you have a problem. 

Are they dangerous to me?

Similar to clothes moths, carpet beetles are not really dangerous to humans. These pests don’t sting, bite, or damage your food. However, on occasion, they can cause a slight rash. This rash occurs when carpet beetles are in direct contact with human skin, and thus is rare. However, this rash can become incredibly itchy and uncomfortable. Again, most damage caused by carpet beetles is to your physical property rather than to your physical being. So, in regard to your health, it isn’t entirely detrimental to live with these pests. Although, we highly recommend removing them from your property entirely.  

Hide Beetles

Where do they live in my home?

Hide beetles can be found throughout the beautiful state of Texas and the entirety of the country. However, these beetles are rare in comparison to the other critters we’ve discussed thus far. Much like the aforementioned pests, they dwell within fabrics in your home. However, hide beetles typically prefer to live in animal hides. So, if you don’t have animal hides in your home, you probably will not have a problem. The most common place to find them is in hide rugs or in mounted hides. These pesky critters will eat the fur, feathers, and skin of the hide in question. This makes identification of a problem somewhat easy so long as you inspect your hides regularly. 

Are they dangerous to me?

Hide beetles are incredibly similar to carpet beetles in the skin irritation they can cause. However, other than that small aspect, hide beetles are entirely safe around humans. They do not sting or bite, and they are likely too afraid to get close anyway. Similarly to the aforementioned critters, the damage they inflict on your personal property can be extensive. So, it is best to keep your eyes peeled especially when it comes to your hides.

If you are struggling with a fabric pest infestation, call 855Bugs, and set up your free inspection today!

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