How Wood Destroying Insect Reports Protect You

Don't bug me plan does not include termite control.

Of the many impacts that pests can have on our lives, few compare materially and monetarily to the potential destruction that termites and other wood-destroying insects can inflict on a home. We often learn too late of their presence and the damage they’ve caused. Pest control companies like 855Bugs specialize in detecting these insects. And they carry out what’s known as WDI’s or Wood Destroying Insect inspections. WDI inspectors help protect homeowners from the devastating consequences of an untreated termite infestation. This post will help you understand why WDI’s are important, and what they consist of. And how the folks at 855Bugs have worked to make them both more valuable and more straightforward for home and business owners in Waco, Temple, and the surrounding areas.

What makes Wood Destroying Insect inspections so important?

Realtors, home inspectors, and professionals in the insurance industry know how important it is to make WDI’s a part of their process when it comes to dealing with any wood-built structure. If you’ve ever bought a home in Texas you may be acquainted with these reports. As all VA and FHA mortgages (around 25% of all mortgages) typically require them. These reports can drastically affect the value of a home or property.

Wood-destroying insect inspections are important because they serve as a snapshot of the past. Current, and potential future activity as it pertains to wood-destroying insects. As well as the types of conditions that are conducive to wood-destroying insect infestations. This means they inform you not only of whether you currently have an issue, but also work to find out whether or not your home has ever had a termite or other wood-destroying insect problem. This is important structurally, but also because of the fact that that environment was conducive to these types of pests in the past. It’s likely that it still will be unless changes have been made. It’s always the hope that no problems are found, and in that case. Their specially trained technicians take the time to evaluate the environment to make sure your home isn’t conducive to potential future infestations.

What sets 855bug’s WDI Report apart?

  • A typical state-issued WDI report warranty is 30 days from the time of inspection. 855Bugs offers an extended AND renewable warranty for up to one year.
  • Homeowners under an 855bugs WDI warranty can transfer that warranty to a new buyer at no charge. Although lenders typically require a new WDI report, proof that the potential of wood-destroying insects has been addressed makes the process much easier.
  • If you go to sell your home, a transferable warranty assures potential buyers that any wood-destroying insect issues have been addressed and that any future issues will be covered.
  • With 855Bugs WDI Warranty, if wood-destroying insects are found during the warranty period any treatment costs are covered by the warranty!

A few of the frequently asked questions we receive in regard to our WDI process.

How much do WDI reports cost?

WDI Reports typically cost less than $100.

How would I go about purchasing a WDI Report?

You can purchase a WDI report by simply scheduling an inspection with 855Bugs.

How long do WDI inspections take?

A typical inspection takes around an hour. During the inspection, we determine prior infestations and current infestations. We also evaluate the conditions around your home that may be conducive to termites (things like wood rot, excessive moisture, carpenter ants, excessive foliage, or high soil lines).

How would I go about transferring my WDI warranty to a new owner?

Call 855Bugs at 855-284-7266.

What does a WDI Report look like?

Texas, state-approved form.

Contact 855Bugs

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the folks at We hope that after reading this post you have a better understanding of what a WDI report is. As well as the value a WDI from 855Bugs represents when it comes to protecting your property from wood-destroying insects. The folks at 855Bugs know just how important your home or business is. And are dedicated to preventing pests of all shapes and sizes from damaging the places you love. They’re here for all of your pest control needs and are proud to be the preferred pest control company for over 16,000 home and business owners across Central Texas.

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