
Navigating Texas’ Pestscape– Understanding Common Intruders in Your Home

Welcome to the vast world of Texas pests, where invaders come in all shapes and sizes. Today, we delve into the world of general pests, those versatile nuisances that often find their way into homes across the Lone Star State. Learn about ants, stinging insects, and...

Winter Pest Problems in Texas: All You Need to Know

As winter approaches, Texans may breathe a sigh of relief, believing that the cold weather will put an end to pest problems. However, even during the cooler months, several pests continue to pose a threat to homes and families across the state. Many of these unwanted...

Wolf Spiders—Behavior, Habitat, and Control

Wolf spiders are creepy little creatures that belong to the family Lycosidae, which consists of more than 2,300 species found worldwide. The name "wolf spider" originates from their wolf-like hunting behavior, wherein they chase and pounce on their prey instead of...

Spiders In Texas

What are the most dangerous spiders in Texas? The four species (not two!) you need to watch out...

Do Bugs Die In Winter?

Do Bugs Die In Winter?

Do Bugs Die In Winter? Where Do Insects Go? Let’s Get To The Bottom of It Cooler weather, sweaters, Friday night lights, and pumpkin-spiced lattes. We all have our reasons to look forward to fall, and one of those is often the sudden lack of many of the bugs that...

All About Spider Season

All About Spider Season

It’s been said that you’re never more than a few feet away from a spider – and that’s especially true in Texas. It’s hard to go too long without running into one. Everyone should have a basic understanding of the types of spiders you’ll find in Texas. As well as how...

Don’t Hibernate on Winter Pest Control

Don’t Hibernate on Winter Pest Control

Here in Texas, we often look forward to that first freeze to kill those pesky mosquitos and annoying house flies. Thank goodness we get a little reprieve from mosquitos! The truth is, winter in Texas is often relatively mild, and most pests survive with no problem!...