
How do I get rid of squirrels in Texas

How do I get rid of squirrels in Texas? Effective Strategies

Squirrels can be fascinating creatures with their playful antics, but when they invade homes and gardens, their presence may be unwelcome. In Texas, there are several species of squirrels that can create a nuisance in residential areas. Unfortunately, dealing with unwanted squirrels can be challenging

To address the issue effectively, homeowners should first understand the reasons behind the squirrels’ persistent presence. Access to food sources and shelter often attracts these creatures to residential properties. 

Identifying and eliminating these sources can help discourage squirrels from visiting and staying. Additionally, using humane removal methods such as live trapping and relocation will ensure adherence to any local laws that may apply and minimize harm to the animals.

In this article, we will explore effective strategies to rid homes and gardens of squirrels in Texas without resorting to harmful methods. By understanding these animals’ behaviors and employing appropriate techniques, homeowners can maintain a peaceful and squirrel-free environment.

Profiling the Squirrels of Texas

Overview of Squirrel Species Found in Texas







In Texas, the most commonly found squirrel species are the Fox squirrels, Gray squirrels, and Flying squirrels. Each of these species has unique characteristics and behaviors:

  • Fox squirrels are the largest and come in various colors, including gray, red, brown, and black.
  • Gray squirrels are slightly smaller than Fox squirrels and are usually gray in color with some white or tan patches.
  • Flying squirrels are the smallest in Texas and have fur-covered skin flaps that extend from their wrists to their ankles, enabling them to glide between trees.

Habitat and Lifestyle: Why Squirrels Choose Your Home

Squirrels are attracted to human environments because they offer food, shelter, and opportunities for nesting. Squirrels prefer trees, particularly those with an abundance of nuts, fruits, or seeds, and will often build nests in the proximity of these sources. 

In urban settings, squirrels may find your home an attractive place to reside due to the warmth and protection it offers. They also appreciate the easy access to food from bird feeders, gardens, and trash cans.

The Behavior and Nesting Habits of Squirrels in Winter






During winter, squirrel behavior differs slightly from their activities in warmer months. To survive the cold, they must find a warm, protected place for shelter. This is when squirrels are more likely to seek refuge in homes, garages, and attics. Squirrels primarily build two types of nests:

  1. Leaf nests (dreys): Constructed from twigs, leaves, and other materials, these nests are often found in tree forks and can offer insulation against the cold.
  2. Tree cavities: Squirrels take advantage of hollowed-out areas in trees, using the natural insulation to keep warm during winter.

In addition to seeking shelter, squirrels will store an abundance of food in their nests or nearby caches to ensure they have enough sustenance throughout the winter months.

The Negative Impact of Squirrels on Texas Homes

Structural Damage Caused by Squirrels

Squirrels can cause significant structural damage to homes in Texas. They have a natural tendency to gnaw on a variety of materials, such as wood, insulation, and electrical wiring. This behavior can lead to several problems, including:

  • Weakened structural integrity: Continuous gnawing on wooden beams and other support structures can lead to weakening and eventual collapse.
  • Fire hazards: When squirrels chew on electrical wiring, they can expose the wires, increasing the risk of electrical fires.
  • Damage to insulation: Squirrels can destroy insulation materials, leading to higher energy consumption and associated costs.

Health Risks Posed by Squirrel Infestation

In addition to structural damage, squirrels can also pose health risks. These are some of the potential health concerns:

  • Disease transmission: Squirrels can carry and spread diseases such as leptospirosis and salmonellosis.
  • Parasites: Squirrels often harbor parasites like fleas and ticks, which can transmit diseases to humans and pets.
  • Contaminated food sources: Squirrels can invade food storage areas, contaminating them with feces and urine, leading to potential foodborne illnesses.

Impact on Homeowner’s Peace of Mind

An infestation of squirrels can lead to considerable stress and anxiety for Texas homeowners. The constant noise of scurrying and scratching can disturb peace and quiet. Moreover, the knowledge of squirrels causing damage to the home and potentially spreading diseases can lead to sleepless nights and overall unease in the household.

Assessing Squirrel Damage and Recognizing Infestation

Signs of a Squirrel Infestation

Squirrels can cause significant damage to homes, yards, and gardens. Recognizing the signs of infestation is essential for early intervention and prevention of further damage. 

Some signs include:

  • Nests in the attic: Squirrels often choose attics as a safe hideaway from predators. They can use materials like wood and insulation to build their nests, leading to potential structural damage.
  • Damaged plants and garden: Squirrels feed on various fruits, nuts, and seeds, which can lead to damage in gardens or areas with vegetation. Keep an eye out for chewed plants, holes, or evidence of digging.
  • Chewed wires and utility lines: Squirrels may chew on non-electrical wires, such as phone or cable lines, which can cause disruptions in service or create potential fire hazards.

The Long-Term Impact of Unaddressed Squirrel Problems

Ignoring a squirrel infestation can lead to serious long-term consequences, including:

  • Structural damage: Squirrels can gnaw on wooden beams, insulation, and walls, compromising the integrity of your home over time.
  • Electrical problems: In some cases, squirrels can chew through electrical wiring, leading to power outages and an increased risk of fire.
  • Disease transmission: While squirrels are not known to transmit rabies, they can carry other diseases, such as ticks and fleas, into your home.
  • Negative impact on plants and trees: Unchecked squirrel populations may lead to severe damage to yards and gardens, reducing the overall aesthetic value and possibly affecting the health of plants and trees.

By recognizing the signs of squirrel infestation and understanding the long-term impacts of unaddressed squirrel problems, homeowners can take the appropriate steps to protect their property and maintain a safe living environment.

Proven Strategies for Getting Rid of Squirrels

Preventive Measures to Keep Squirrels Away

Taking preventive measures is an effective way to keep squirrels away from your home and garden. Consider the following strategies to discourage squirrels from settling in:

  • Eliminate food sources: Make sure to clean up any fallen fruits, nuts, and seeds in your yard. Keep pet food and birdseed in sealed containers. Refrain from feeding squirrels, as this encourages them to return.

  • Trim tree branches: Squirrels can access your home by jumping from trees. Trim any branches that are closer than 6 feet to your home.

  • Secure garbage cans: Ensure that garbage cans have tight-fitting lids to prevent squirrels from scavenging for food.

Safe and Humane Removal of Squirrels

If squirrels have already taken up residence on your property, it’s important to safely and humanely remove them.

If you are unable to effectively remove squirrels on your own or are concerned about the potential for damage, consider hiring a professional wildlife removal service to safely and humanely remove the animals from your property.

Professional Help for Squirrel Problems

When to Call in the Professionals

There are situations when dealing with squirrel problems that require assistance from professional wildlife control companies like 855Bugs. 

These situations can include:

  • Persistent and extensive property damage caused by squirrels
  • Failure of DIY methods and home remedies in deterring or removing rodents
  • Risk of disease transmission or injury due to a squirrel infestation
  • Uncertainty in properly addressing the issue without causing harm to the animals or surrounding environment


Recap of Squirrel Issues and Solutions in Texas

In Texas, squirrels can cause various problems to property owners, such as damaging vegetation, gnawing on electrical wires, and causing noise disturbances. Knowing how to manage squirrel populations is essential for a comfortable and stress-free living environment. 

Highlighting the Necessity of Effective and Strategic Squirrel Management

Managing squirrel populations in Texas requires a combination of methods and persistent effort. Implementing multiple strategies should increase the chances of overall success in controlling this issue. 

While squirrels are a part of the natural ecosystem, it is crucial to maintain a balance between their presence and the impact they have on human living spaces. By taking a proactive approach to squirrel management through repellents, decoys, and deterrents, Texas residents can prevent potential damage to their property and maintain a harmonious relationship with the local wildlife.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get rid of squirrels in Texas?

In Texas, dealing with unwanted squirrels can be challenging due to their intelligence adaptability, and sometimes legal protections. Effective strategies include understanding what attracts them to residential areas, identifying and eliminating food sources and shelter, and employing humane removal methods like live trapping and relocation. These measures help discourage squirrels from invading homes and gardens and ensure adherence to local laws.

How can I eliminate squirrels on my roof?

To eliminate squirrels on your roof, start by trimming tree branches that provide easy access to the rooftop. Install metal flashing or sheeting around the roof’s edge, dormers, and eaves to make it more difficult for them to climb. Repellents, such as capsaicin-based products, can be applied to affected areas as an additional deterrent.

What are effective ways to deter squirrels from trees?

To deter squirrels from trees, wrap metal sheets or plastic tree guards around the tree’s trunk, making sure it’s at least 2 feet wide and 6 feet above the ground. Place bird feeders at least 10 feet away from tree branches, and use squirrel baffles on feeder poles. For fruit trees, it may help to use netting to protect ripe fruits.

How do I keep red squirrels out of my garage?

To keep red squirrels out of your garage, start by sealing any entry points with sturdy materials such as wire mesh, steel wool, or metal. Keep your garage clean and organized to reduce hiding spots, and store food items in sealed containers. In addition, avoid leaving garage doors open for extended periods.

Get Professional Help for Squirrel Problems in Texas with 855Bugs.com

Are squirrels wreaking havoc in your Texas home or garden? Don’t let these clever creatures take over your space. 855Bugs is your local expert in humane squirrel control, with years of experience in managing and preventing squirrel infestations.

We understand the unique challenges of dealing with squirrels in Texas and offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. From identifying the root causes to implementing effective prevention and removal strategies, we ensure a peaceful and squirrel-free environment.

Don’t let squirrels disrupt your life. Contact 855Bugs today and take back control of your property. Your home is your sanctuary, and with 855Bugs professional assistance, you can keep it that way.

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