

Pest Control Myths That Can Be Dangerous

These pest control myths can be dangerous to your health! Rats and Mice Myth: The biggest issue with rats and mice is the damage they do from chewing. Rats and mice no longer carry diseases as they did in the middle ages. False! Rats and mice do cause significant...

Fleas in Texas

Fleas in Texas There are over 2,500 species of fleas. Fleas are flightless and live externally on mammals. If you’ve ever had pets, it’s possible you’ve...

Flea Infestations in Texas: How To Prevent Them, How To Get Rid Of Them

Fleas aren’t any fun. They’re small, they’re quick to spread, and by the time you know they’re there - they’re everywhere! Texas is no stranger to a wide variety of fleas, and each spring these little pests tend to come back with a vengeance. So how do you get rid of...
Why Pest Control Is An Essential Service

Why Pest Control Is An Essential Service

What comes to mind when you think of essential services? We are seeing cities and states across the country enact policies to close down or limit the activity of non-essential services. Hospitals and healthcare facilities are clearly essential. Along with the banks,...