Interesting and Weird Facts About Pests!

A green and pink graphic that says Interesting and sometimes weird facts you may not know about pests.

We talk often about the prevention and treatment of some of our most common Central Texas pests, but, this month, we are going to share some interesting facts about the pesky critters! While there are tens of thousands of different kinds of insects inhabiting Texas, we’re going to explore four of the most common ones in our area.

Bed Bugs

A full bed bug is shown on a gray tile. Strange pest facts blogDid you know that bed bugs’ saliva contains a mild anesthetic? The saliva numbs the skin at the site of their bites. This is why they don’t wake us up when they bite us!

Bed bugs get their name from the fact that they predominantly prey on their hosts at night. The reason for this is that they are attracted to the smell of exhaled carbon dioxide which is most prevalent while we’re sleeping.

Female bed bugs can lay over 200 eggs in their lifetime and can lay up to 7 eggs per day. That’s a lot of offspring! This is why it is imperative to seek professional help should you see any signs of bed bugs.

Honey Bees

A close up of several honey bees swarming. Interesting facts about pestsQueen bees live an average of 2-3 years but some have been known to live for 5 years! On the other hand, worker bees only live an average of 4 weeks during the summertime and up to 6 months during the winter.

Honey bees can travel up to 6 miles a day looking for food, though the average is closer to a mile a day. Flying an average of 15 miles per hour, these guys can cover a lot of ground!

The average worker bee will only make 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. Remember, worker bees only live an average of 4 weeks in the summertime. Just think of how many bees it takes to produce a honey bear’s container worth of honey!


Overhead view of a German cockroach against a white background.Did you know cockroaches can run an average of 3 miles per hour? That equals about 50 body lengths per second. If they were humans, that would equate to running about 200 miles per hour!*

We’ve all heard the phrase “like a chicken with its head cut off.” Well, cockroaches can actually live without their heads for weeks! The only reason they eventually die is that they are unable to eat or drink.

Cockroaches can hold their breaths for up to 40 minutes. So, if you think you’re going to drown a cockroach, you better make sure it’s fully submerged for a solid 40 minutes!


A scorpion is showing glowing a turquoise color when a black light is shined on it.While most insects lay eggs, scorpions give birth to live offspring. And, what’s more, they can birth 25-35 live babies at a time!

You may have heard that scorpions glow in the dark. While this is true, you won’t see the glow with the naked eye in a dark area. However, you will see the glow if you shine an ultraviolet light on them. Scientists attribute this glow to the hyaline layer of their exoskeletons.

Scorpions are arachnids. Though they don’t look a whole lot like spiders, they are actually close cousins!

If you enjoyed these interesting facts, stay tuned for future posts where we will explore fascinating traits of other common pests in our area! And, as always, feel free to schedule a FREE inspection with the professionals here at 855Bugs!



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