A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Termites. It’s incredible to witness the damage such a small creature can inflict. With an amenable climate for these pests, Texas is highly prone to termites and the infestations that can come with them. They can eat your home from the inside out, causing problems that can start as cosmetic and wind up as structural. Three species inhabit Texas, winged termites, subterranean termites, and dry termites being the most prolific. The best way to know if your home is safe is to get a professional inspection. We recommend having your home inspected by a professional once a year. We also offer pre-construction treatments that help ward off termites from day one. 855Bugs has been helping people in the Waco and Temple area manage termites for over 10 years! Schedule a FREE Inspection, we’d be happy to help ensure termites never threaten your home or livelihood.


A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Bed bugs are often the most dreaded bug infestation in the eyes of the general public. If you’re terrified of bed bugs entering your home, you’re not alone! Let’s take a look at bed bugs: their appearance, their behaviors, myths, prevention, and, the topic everyone wants to know about, bed bug treatment.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Mice, rats, and other rodents are extremely resourceful and persistent creatures. Did you know a mouse can squeeze through an opening as small as ½ inch? And, don’t think you’re safe because that hole is only ¼ inch. They can easily chew through many surfaces to make that hole large enough to sneak through. Rats are excellent swimmers. While it certainly doesn’t happen often, rats can swim through sewer lines and wind up in your toilet bowl.


Click on a pest below and read what they’re about and what you can do yourself to prevent them from bugging you.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Termites. It’s incredible to witness the damage such a small creature can inflict. With an amenable climate for these pests, Texas is highly prone to termites and the infestations that can come with them. They can eat your home from the inside out, causing problems that can start as cosmetic and wind up as structural. Three species inhabit Texas, winged termites, subterranean termites, and dry termites being the most prolific. The best way to know if your home is safe is to get a professional inspection. We recommend having your home inspected by a professional once a year. We also offer pre-construction treatments that help ward off termites from day one. 855Bugs has been helping people in the Waco and Temple area manage termites for over 10 years! Schedule a FREE Inspection, we’d be happy to help ensure termites never threaten your home or livelihood.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Bed bugs are often the most dreaded bug infestation in the eyes of the general public. If you’re terrified of bed bugs entering your home, you’re not alone! Let’s take a look at bed bugs: their appearance, their behaviors, myths, prevention, and, the topic everyone wants to know about, bed bug treatment.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Mice, rats, and other rodents are extremely resourceful and persistent creatures. Did you know a mouse can squeeze through an opening as small as ½ inch? And, don’t think you’re safe because that hole is only ¼ inch. They can easily chew through many surfaces to make that hole large enough to sneak through. Rats are excellent swimmers. While it certainly doesn’t happen often, rats can swim through sewer lines and wind up in your toilet bowl.


Click on a pest below and read what they’re about and what you can do yourself to prevent them from bugging you.


Why is termite removal important? Texas has one of the highest termite incident rates in the United States! There are a lot of great things about our state; unfortunately, being home to so many termites is an accolade we’d much rather do without. Termites are one of the most destructive pests in the world, and, each year, they cause upwards of $5 billion dollars of damage nationally. Although there are hundreds of species of termites, they all share the common trait of feeding off cellulose found in wood, grass, and many other pulpy substances. Unfortunately for us, most of our homes are built out of termite food sources, and most of that food is hidden out of view behind our walls.

In this article, we’ll give a bit of background (ok, a lot of background) on the termite, how to spot them, what to do when you find termites on your property, and explain how to prevent termites from making a meal out of your home–which is something that may be more likely than you thought. According to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agency, an unprotected home in Texas has about a 70 percent probability of suffering termite damage within 25 years. We don’t like those odds. Here at 855Bugs, we have the kind of experience and expertise needed to prevent termites from setting up shop in your home, as well as the ability to help eradicate them when they do.


All You Need To Know About Termites and Termite Removal


Termites are part of the Isoptera Order of insects, literally meaning “equal wings.” There are three distinct types of termites in Texas, and they can be categorized as drywood, dampwood, and subterranean termites. The main differences are in colony locations, size, and feeding habits.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites don’t need as much moisture as their damp and subterranean counterparts and can colonize directly in non-decayed wood (like the wood in our houses). Their colonies are usually smaller, but they can still inflict a great deal of damage. Unlike subterranean termites, these critters will eat wood with lower moisture content and will do so across the grain of the wood–this translates to a greater likelihood of structural compromise.

Dampwood Termites

Dampwood termites are mainly found in the southwest regions of the state and are the largest of the bunch. They typically don’t have contact with the soil, preferring damp rotted wood to colonize in.

Subterranean Termites

As the name implies, subterranean termites typically colonize underground and can grow in much larger numbers than their dry and damp cousins. These are the culprits responsible for the mud tunnels you may find around a home’s foundation.

Termite Swarmers

All termites go through various stages in their life cycle, starting as an egg, becoming small larvae, and then branching off to various roles within the termite colony. Although only one stage of termites (the “swarmers”) have wings, both sets are of the same size and shape, which is a rarity in the insect world. 

The winged swarmers are the only termites with functional vision and are responsible for choosing new locations and developing new colonies. 

These swarmers watch the weather, generally waiting until the day after rain, preferably with overcast skies and little wind. These swarming termites erupt from their current abode in search of light, then take flight to find mates before shedding their wings and picking out a piece of prime real estate to start a new colony. If you see this activity on your property, it’s a good time to schedule a free inspection with 855Bugs

Once established, the reproductive termites are referred to as queens and kings and they start to build their home. Once a queen sheds her wings, she slowly begins to grow in size, which allows her to lay more and more eggs each year. The king keeps eggs moist and protected and helps feed the newly hatched larvae. Termite queens can live upwards of thirty years, and a mature colony with a million plus termites can easily produce thousands of swarmers.

Termite Soldiers

Besides the reproductive swarmers, there are termite workers and soldiers. The worker is the termite most responsible for damaging wood. The non-reproductive worker forages for cellulose, and subterranean workers dig tunnels and build mud tubes that serve as highways for the colony between their home and various food sources. The worker is also responsible for feeding larvae and another kind of termite within the colony, the soldier. Soldiers exist to defend the colony from other termites and ants, cannot feed on their own, and are easy to distinguish from other termites with their large heads and mandibles. Soldiers make up a small portion of the colony, and, when their numbers grow too large, the workers will kill and eat them to free up resources needed elsewhere in the colony.

Termite Colony

Termite workers can develop into soldiers, they can begin to grow wing buds to begin the process of becoming reproductive, and can even molt into the primary reproductive swarmers that develop wings and eyes in order to start new colonies. The reproductive nymphs can also regress back to worker form as needed for the well-being of the colony. Termite reproduction is classified into three categories, primary reproductives like swarmers, who can leave the colony and start new colonies, secondary reproductives with wing buds like nymphs (who can molt into primary reproductives), and tertiary reproductives with no wings or wing buds who can supplement egg production when needed.


How to Prevent, Spot, and Eliminate Termites

Like many pests, the best offense against termites is a good defense. It’s important to store wood away from your home, preferably off the ground, with proper drainage. Prevent wood from coming into contact with the soil. If wood has to meet soil, it’s best if that wood is treated. Cut down dead trees, and remove piles of brush, trash, or other materials. We also recommend keeping shrubbery trimmed around the perimeter of your home. As a general pest prevention point, ensure you have no areas of standing water or continual moisture. Some of the most common points of moisture are around air conditioning units due to condensation, gutter spouts, and around faucets that may have slow leaks or stay damp due to daily use. Inspect the exterior of your home for cracks, holes, or crevices that small insects or animals can use to infiltrate your living space.

Pre-Construction Treatment

As much as these best practices will help to prevent termites and other pests from entering your home, often times it is not enough. The only way to ensure that termites and other pests will not make it into your home is to create a chemical barrier through which they cannot pass. That’s where the pros at 855Bugs come in. We have preventative treatments for existing homes, as well as pre-construction treatments that will keep a new home termite free for years to come.

We also have methods to take care of existing infestations and welcome you to give us a call to schedule a free inspection and look at your options for termite pest control in Waco, TX. If you are wondering whether or not you have termites, we can assist with that as well. Termites can be difficult to detect during most parts of the year. Their swarming season depends on the weather but is generally between late February and September across Texas. Swarming termites leave evidence of infestation by seeking sources of light, and, if you see a winged termite on your window sill, there’s a good chance you have termites in your home or in very close proximity to it. You may see small tubes of mud along your foundation or exterior siding.

There are no bones about it! It can be hard to know whether the termites you see in your yard have made their way into your home. Our technicians know what to look for and will do so thoroughly. The stakes are high when it comes to termite prevention, and we want to help you protect your home. Contact us today with any questions, whether it’s about termite removal in Temple, TX, our Don’t Bug Me Plan, or pest control in general. We’d be happy to come take a look during our FREE INSPECTION and provide you with some peace of mind.

Get in touch now: 855-284-7266


855Bugs is the best pest control company in Waco and Temple as voted by Locals Love Us! Let us worry about pests, so you can focus on what’s most important to you! So, what are you waiting for? To get started with the Don’t Bug Me Plan, give 855Bugs a call. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and get your initial treatment scheduled! We proudly serve Waco, Temple, Belton, Harker Heights, Killeen, Copperas Cove, Gatesville AND surrounding areas. When the stakes are high, trust 855Bugs!

Termite Exterminators – Control – Removal in Waco TX

855 Bugs is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across Central Texas

Serving Temple | Killeen | Belton | China Spring | Woodway | Hewitt | Lorena | McGregor | Gatesville

Bellmead | Robinson | Mart | Harker Heights | Copper Cove | Bosqueville | Whitney | Hillsboro