A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Termites. It’s incredible to witness the damage such a small creature can inflict. With an amenable climate for these pests, Texas is highly prone to termites and the infestations that can come with them. They can eat your home from the inside out, causing problems that can start as cosmetic and wind up as structural. Three species inhabit Texas, winged termites, subterranean termites, and dry termites being the most prolific. The best way to know if your home is safe is to get a professional inspection. We recommend having your home inspected by a professional once a year. We also offer pre-construction treatments that help ward off termites from day one. 855Bugs has been helping people in the Waco and Temple area manage termites for over 10 years! Schedule a FREE Inspection, we’d be happy to help ensure termites never threaten your home or livelihood.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Bed bugs are often the most dreaded bug infestation in the eyes of the general public. If you’re terrified of bed bugs entering your home, you’re not alone! Let’s take a look at bed bugs: their appearance, their behaviors, myths, prevention, and, the topic everyone wants to know about, bed bug treatment.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Mice, rats, and other rodents are extremely resourceful and persistent creatures. Did you know a mouse can squeeze through an opening as small as ½ inch? And, don’t think you’re safe because that hole is only ¼ inch. They can easily chew through many surfaces to make that hole large enough to sneak through. Rats are excellent swimmers. While it certainly doesn’t happen often, rats can swim through sewer lines and wind up in your toilet bowl.


Click on a pest below and read what they’re about and what you can do yourself to prevent them from bugging you.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Termites. It’s incredible to witness the damage such a small creature can inflict. With an amenable climate for these pests, Texas is highly prone to termites and the infestations that can come with them. They can eat your home from the inside out, causing problems that can start as cosmetic and wind up as structural. Three species inhabit Texas, winged termites, subterranean termites, and dry termites being the most prolific. The best way to know if your home is safe is to get a professional inspection. We recommend having your home inspected by a professional once a year. We also offer pre-construction treatments that help ward off termites from day one. 855Bugs has been helping people in the Waco and Temple area manage termites for over 10 years! Schedule a FREE Inspection, we’d be happy to help ensure termites never threaten your home or livelihood.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Bed bugs are often the most dreaded bug infestation in the eyes of the general public. If you’re terrified of bed bugs entering your home, you’re not alone! Let’s take a look at bed bugs: their appearance, their behaviors, myths, prevention, and, the topic everyone wants to know about, bed bug treatment.

A swarm of termites on rotten wood.

Mice, rats, and other rodents are extremely resourceful and persistent creatures. Did you know a mouse can squeeze through an opening as small as ½ inch? And, don’t think you’re safe because that hole is only ¼ inch. They can easily chew through many surfaces to make that hole large enough to sneak through. Rats are excellent swimmers. While it certainly doesn’t happen often, rats can swim through sewer lines and wind up in your toilet bowl.


Click on a pest below and read what they’re about and what you can do yourself to prevent them from bugging you.

What's Wrong Wednesday graphic with a magnifying glass.
What’s Wrong Wednesday, check out some of the situations our pest control experts run into on a daily basis. Can you spot what’s wrong? Hover over any image to find out.
A bed bug crawls on the tile behind a public bathroom toilet.

Can you "spot" what's wrong with this picture? Here's a hint, it isn't the open void in the wall. It's much smaller than that!

What’s Wrong Wednesday – a bed bug in the bathroom!? Bed bugs do not discriminate and will look anywhere for their next blood meal. An inspection and treatment from our trained professionals will protect you and your family from bed bugs and unwanted pests!
Dozens of crickets are shown on the concrete outside of a door.

You always know when the weather cools down in Central Texas when you see these pests all over town.

What’s Wrong Wednesday – that’s right, crickets are everywhere! Doorways, walls, you name it! They are not harmful, but when they take off or crunch under your feet, you just want them GONE!
A large yellow garden spider weaving his web.

EEK! Can anyone name this type of spider?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – we’ve all seen these around! They are called Yellow Garden Spiders and they weave the coolest. large spider webs! It looks like this guy is preparing a meal… Bon Appetit!
An 855Bugs pest control expert uses a tool to help catch a Texas Rat Snake.

No one wants to come home to find one of these bad boys roaming around looking for a sunny spot to warm up! Can you ID this snake?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – it’s a Texas Rat Snake and thankfully they are non-venomous. They typically grow to 5′ in length, are agile climbers, and kill their prey by constriction. We love these “Behind the Scenes” pictures of our Branch Manager, Ford, taking care of business and relocating this snake so our customers don’t have to!
Subterranean termites devouring soft wood.

Can you tell what is feasting on this wood buffet?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Yep! That’s subterranean termites devouring softwood. There’s nothing fun about termites, but here’s a Fun Fact: Termites are very organized, eat along the grain and produce a distinct honeycomb pattern in the wood.
Carpenter ants walk in a line along the exterior trim of a home.

Finding What's Wrong this Wednesday you'll have to "Follow the Leader"

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Those are pesky carpenter ants! Ever wonder why they walk in a line? The scent that the ants leave behind is called pheromone. The ants walk in a line because they follow the scent left behind by the leader.
Adult male dobsonflies are particularly spectacular because of their large sickle-shaped mandibles (jaws).

Whoa! This is one big bug! Anyone know it's name?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – This is a male Dobsonfly who looks like it can do serious harm, don’t they? They are harmless to humans. Adult male dobsonflies are spectacular because of their large sickle-shaped mandibles (jaws). Swing by our office at 8807 Woodway Dr,
Waco, TX 76712 if you want to see one! Don’t worry, he is in a protective case!

Dozens of cockroaches are seen on the walls and ceiling in the corner of a home.

We know you can tell what's wrong with this picture right away!

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Roach infestations are no joke, and we can certainly help you get rid of these pests. Often it is not this obvious, and a complete and thorough inspection is needed.
Aa bed bug is shown on the jeans of one of our Sales Inspectors! Bed bugs will hitchhike on clothing, purses, luggage, you name it.

Can you see the "hitchhiker" in this photo?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – That’s a bed bug on the jeans of one of our Sales Inspectors! Bed bugs will hitchhike on clothing, purses, luggage, you name it. If you think you may have picked them up somewhere, be sure to give us a call so we can do a thorough FREE inspection.
A squirrel rests flat on his belly on a tree limb.

The only thing wrong in this picture is waiting on a cool front to move in!

What’s Wrong Wednesday – This guy appears to be exhausted from the heat and trying to get ready for the winter months. Squirrels may look sweet, but they can do damage to your home! Fall is coming soon, and you want to be sure you have closed up all the entry points to your home! Call us or go online to schedule a FREE inspection to ensure your home is “winter ready!”
A wolf spider is shown with dozens of babies on her back.

A face only a mother could love! Can you guess the name of this spider?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – That’s a Wolf spider, and she’s a SUPER MOM! Once the babies hatch, they climb onto her back and stay there until they are fully developed, living off their egg yolks (from their egg). She can have as many as 100!!
Several pill bugs are shown crawling through mulch and pecan tree droppings.

Look closely....What is our What's Wrong Wednesday pest this week?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – They are Pill Bugs, and guess what? They aren’t insects! They are crustaceans that curl into a ball when threatened.
I dare you to Google Pill Bugs! You may not like what you read!
Two millipedes are shown in the carpet along a baseboard.

What do you think that is along the base board? HINT: "Why how many legs you have," said Little Red Riding Hood

What’s Wrong Wednesday – The Millipede that holds the records for most legs has 750! They don’t bite, they can’t sting, and they don’t have pinchers. But they do have stink glands that emit an awful-tasting chemical that repels predators. It can burn or blister the skin. Always wash your hands after handling a millipede!
A closeup of the seams of an upholstered chair show bed bugs hiding.

You'll have to look close to see What's Wrong!

What’s Wrong Wednesday – You’re right! Cimex Lectularius, commonly known as bed bugs! They may be small, but they are methodical and hide in dark crevices like this chair.
Hundreds of daddy long legs are seen clustered on the ceiling of this cellar.

"My what long legs you have???" Can you guess what's wrong with this picture?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Commonly known as “Daddy Long Legs” these Cellar Spiders love to make their home near bodies of water. Contrary to popular belief, they are not venomous but that doesn’t mean you want them hanging out under your deck!
A closeup of a tarantula.

Seeing one of these may give you the jeepers creepers!

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Tarantulas are large but not typically aggressive. Fun Fact: Females lay 100 to 1,000 eggs in a web, which is constructed like a hammock. Yikes! Give us a call if you need any help with spiders!
An exterior faucet behind the air conditioning unit is shown leaking on the ground.

Hint: Drip. Drip. Drip....

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Leaky outdoor faucets cause moisture to build up. Insects love moisture!! Be sure and check your faucets this summer.
A dirt termite tube is seen in the corner of a structure's foundation.

Though this tube may not look like a problem by itself, it does allow pesky little insects to wreak havoc all while maintaining the proper moisture content that keep these specific insect workers from drying out and dying. What insect do you think causes this?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Did you guess it?!? That tube is caused by termites!
A large black and yellow striped cicada killer is seen landed on a rock.

You may see these larger than life insects flying in circles in your yard. They look more ominous than they actually are! Can you guess what type of insect this is?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Cicada Killers are commonly seen skimming around lawns seeking good sites to dig burrows and searching for cicadas in trees and taller shrubs. They are not aggressive and rarely sting unless they are grasped roughly, stepped upon with bare feet, or caught in clothing.
A dirt termite castle is seen on short gray carpet.

This is not a place you would like to live in! It's inhabitants are not the kind of royalty you'd like to have in your home!

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Termite Castle – Their destructive appetites can cause a lot of damage to your own castle or house.
A small raccoon is seen hiding amongst the insulation in an attic.

Can you spot the pest?

What’s Wrong Wednesday – This silver bandit is attempting to blend in with the insulation in this attic.
A large fire ant tube is seen entering the exterior of a home.

Sometimes you will see ants finding the most unqiue ways into certain locations.

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Here, you can see fire ants tubing into a home! But don’t worry, we know a few guys who can take care of this for you!
A green eyed wasp has landed on a lone green leaf.

This little guy has two obvious characteristics: huge green eyes and open mounded burrows.

What’s Wrong Wednesday – Green-Eyed Wasp – They are often seen flying busily around their built-up burrows, which are always left open!

What’s Wrong Wednesday in Waco TX

855 Bugs is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across Central Texas

Serving Temple | Killeen | Belton | China Spring | Woodway | Hewitt | Lorena | McGregor | Gatesville

Bellmead | Robinson | Mart | Harker Heights | Copper Cove | Bosqueville | Whitney | Hillsboro